Thursday, April 1, 2010

Report From Academic Sectretariat - 1st Edition

On February 2010,SRC Chairperson of Academic Secretariat had a meeting with Kulliyyah Based Society’s Presidents. During the meeting, several issues regarding students’ academic problems had been discussed. These are the details and update progresses of the meeting with respective officers in all Kulliyyah pertaining to academic matters:

Problem 1:

The abolishment of implementation of class attendance, warning letters & barring letters

Action 1: Meet all the KBS Presidents


1.Not agree with the policy

2.Need something to be done for the benefits of all students

Action 2: Meet Dean @ Deputy Deans Academic Affairs

1. IRKHS Date: 25th February 2010


1.Dean & Deputy Dean did not agree with the policy

2.Working on Proposal of Rejecting the policy

2. KENMS Date:8th March 2010


1.Implementing this semester (semester 2 09/10). However, due to negative feedback @ impacts from students, Kulliyyah will be implementing the ‘old’ system next semester onwards (semester 3)

3.KICT Date: 8th March 2010


Reject the policy because it gives lots of bad impacts to the weak students and Kulliyyah has decided not to implement this policy.

4.INSTEAD Date:15th March 2010


1.Kulliyyaah is planning to obligate attendance to all students though with@without warning or barring letter

2.Lecturer are advised to be strict in CAM in order to remind and punish students who always absent from classes

5.AIKOL Date: 15th March 2010


1.The attendance will remain to be compulsory for all Aikolians and Kulliyah is not bound by the Senate’s rule

2.The purpose of lectures and tutorials to enhance legal skills among students will defeated if AIKOL is implementing this policy since students will take it for granted

3.Deputy Dean of AIKOL will send a letter to Senate to permit AIKOL to depart from the rule since there is no “black & white” on that matter

Action 3: Meet Administration and Record Division Date: 25th February 2010.


Admin will be having talk and session with all Kulliyyah’s Deans and Deputy Deans.

Problem 2:

Two hours class/lectures for AIKOL students

Action: Meet Deputy Dean Academic Affairs of AIKOL Date: 15th March 2010

Respond: Will continue to implement due to lack of lecturers

Problem 3:

Skill class on Friday and Saturday for KICT students

Action: Meet Bro. Ami Nordin Date: 9th March 2010


1.It is the responsibility of the Kulliyyah to decide the day of CCAC class for students and CCAC division has to follow the decision made by the Kulliyyah

2.Need a letter from Kulliyyah if there is any student would like to change it to another day.

Problem 4:

Methods of Da’wah in Arabic for AIKOL students (Shari’ah)

Action: Meet Deputy Dean Academic Affairs (IRK Division): Dr. Hj. Abdul Rahman Chik


Deputy Dean of AIKOL needs to send a letter in requesting an additional lecturer for the course @ subject.

Reported by:



Academic Affairs,

Students' Representative Council 2009/2010

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